Stepdaddy Trystan Bull shows us just how much he loves his family, his new family. The best part of a new family is that you get to know and share a lot of things with the people around you. Well, TrystanBull decided to try it out and share his dick with his new stepsons. Not actually what he had in mind but we’ll roll with it. Trystan was alone with the two twinks this entire weekend and it was time for them to get to know one another a bit better. Trystan talked with the guys before but he had this feeling that they were hiding something from him and he wasn’t wrong. The twinks were both into dudes but didn’t know how to break the new to their new daddy. But what the twinks didn’t know was that their new daddy is also into guys. This should be a fun conversation! Both of the twinks were so nervous about it but they didn’t know that they have so many things in common with their daddy.
Trystan finally convinced them to open up to him and once everything was on the table, the guys asked their new daddy for some help in that department. So right there in the middle of their backyard, Trystan offered them a life lesson. We have to give it to the guys they really listen to their parents even when that involves getting your ass slammed by one of them. This was all for today so make sure you guys return for more updates.

Watch here Trystan banging his step sons!